Friday, February 15, 2013

On to Georgetown

map_exumas[1]A quick overnight stop at Galliot Cay and were on our way early the next morning.  We had the sails up before we even got through the cut to the Atlantic.  The winds looked promising for a good sailing day.  There were about 12 boats in front and another 8 behind us as we all headed for Georgetown.  We had two fishing rods out hoping for a good catch for dinner.
We could see a little squally something going on to the east and soon spotted a water spout heading in our direction.  The signal went out to all the other boats with radar updates on it’s position and direction.  A water spout is like a tornado over the water and not something you want to be sailing in.  We watched it carefully as it fell apart and then reformed.  It looked like it was moving much faster than us so we made the decision to turn around until it passed in front of us.  With all the action of dropping sails, changing direction and watching the weather going on this is when we hooked a fish.  A big one by the sound of the line ripping out through the reel.  Unfortunately by the time we had the boat on course the fish was gone.
As we entered Elizabeth harbor we were amazed by the number of boats here.  We anchored off Stocking Island on Volleyball beach alongside Majiks and Banyan.  As soon as the boat was secured we were off to The Chat & Chill for a burger and beer.  No shoes required and you can just wear a swimsuit.  Perfect!moose majiks banyan
Every day at 8am you can listen to the cruiser’s net.  The weather is relayed, boats coming and going can introduce themselves, upcoming activities are announced.  There’s volleyball on the beach every day, yoga, basket weaving, conch blowing.  It’s your choice.  You can do as little or as much as you want.

The guys set off to hunt for dinner and Kathy and I set off for a beach walk.  A little path leads to the beach on the Atlantic side.  Miles of sand and water and in our 3 hour walk I don’t think we saw 10 other people.  We walked all the way to one end, then all the way to the other.  We stopped a couple of times for a swim and collected a few sea treasures along the way. 



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About Us

Brian, Sally and Cricket the cat sailing on our 41 foot Morgan Classic sailboat. In October 2011 we sold our house, quit our jobs and set out for Florida in search of a sailboat. We found her in Madeira Beach Florida. A 1987 41 foot Morgan Classic. Our plan is to sail for a couple of years. First to the Bahamas, after that...who knows.