by Brian
While on the water we have met a lot of people who live on boats full time and some who will be as soon as they can make it happen. We have yet to meet anyone who is selfish only caring and willing to share and help. Our first experience was with a couple in St. Petersburg Florida. While sitting on our boat in a marina a wonderful couple came to visit us and in a very short time we had found some new friends.Like us they want to live life to the fullest and want to share that experience with other friends and family. They took us under their wing, invited us into their home for Thanksgiving after only knowing us a few hours. They have shared everything they could with us along the way. We have been friends for 14 months now and even though we are on the water on the other side of Florida we still keep in touch.
We also have a friend who is a professional captain and teaches sailing for a living. He has gone out of his way time after time to help make our dream come true. From teaching us how to sail, get off sand bars and delivering us parts for our boat clear across the state of Florida with out any concern or payment. Every time we meet up it is comforting to know he is only an email or phone call away. He would be the (call a friend) guy on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
Then you meet up with people like the owner of our favorite marina in Florida. Pasadena Marina. The owner and her head dock master are two very wonderful people. Their mission is to have you as a guest and if you choose, as friends. This was again a great place to be. Never did we have a bad experience. It started with the owner while we were looking for a marina to live in. When we called her she was prompt and professional. The dock master the same. Very clear with all they had to offer and left us with a feeling that we really wanted to live there. For a pair of people who clearly have a lot to do in their day they both would stop whatever they had been doing and give you the time it takes to help you. The marina is smaller and very well kept. Of all the places we have stayed this is one of the best.
During our stay at Pasadena Marina we have met some wonderful friends. We shared happy hours, dinners, boat fix consults and fun around the pool.
Now we find ourselves in Miami, a very big and sometimes scary place. Way too busy, dirty and the marina is not well run. However the people around us again are amazing. All types of people on all types of boats from all walks of life. We would have been on our way with two others boats who wanted share experiences and friendship as well in the Bahamas. As you know our plans changed when we had to stay back to do repairs.Thanks to the great friends we have and the family who wish us well.
A new group has arrived and over the course of a week or so we have seen boats with flags from all over. Most are from the United states and Canada some as far away as the United Kingdom. I doesn’t matter what people did for a living only where they have sailed what they have in the way of plans. It seems we all have one common goal, to get out on the water and make it happen. Be happy see the world and live life. This is not like when you go to a resort for a week it’s a way of life.
I find it amazing how a total stranger will invite you onto their boat for a drink and even offer to feed you. It doesn’t matter the condition of the boat. It could be a very large ultra new yacht or an older sometimes very well used and worn little boat. You always get the same result. Happy to meet you, keep in touch, here is my boat card. Yes a boat card or business card with all the information you need to keep in touch. It’s also very handy for remembering names when you meet a bunch of people the same day.
from Sally
Wouldn’t it be great to have a sailing family reunion. I’m thinking a potluck/bonfire/jam session/catch up on a beach somewhere fun. Everyone’s invited!
I was so surprised to see a picture of Hans and me, and Wilbur was positively humbled. We really are fortunate to live at such a nice marina and everyone here still misses you. And we're always up for a reunion. Sometime. Somewhere.